Following an interesting and very lively debate with our presenters from the technology sector, it is our pleasure to invite you to Proactive’s next event, which will focus on the progress being made in the natural resources sector.
We will be showcasing Zanaga Iron Ore one of the AIM market’s star performers, Leni Gas & Oil an oiler whose story is gaining traction with the market, and Patagonia Gold and Chaarat Gold two gold stocks that have started to deliver for investors in the last three months.
It is already shaping up to be a very popular event, so register HERE to avoid disappointment. Zanaga Iron Ore has been one of the top performing AIM stocks of the past couple of months.
The shares have been boosted by the news that the revised development plan for its huge project in the Republic of Congo will mean lower capital expenditure and the potential to use existing infrastructure.
Partner Glencore Xstrata is funding the program while Zanaga will contribute USD 17 million which shouldn’t be a problem given that it ended June with more than USD 35 million of cash in the bank. A feasibility study is underway with the aim of ramping up the project in stages to a 30 million tonnes a year operation.
If you’re concerned about the newly merged mining giant walking away from the project early, don’t be. Glencore Xstrata has committed to completing the revised feasibility study by the Q2 of 2014, while the new supplemental agreement also extends the work program up to December of next year.
Leni Gas and Oil is a company on the move. Founded in 2006, it is pursuing a strategy of investing in a relatively small number of assets where it can apply its resources most effectively.
The group recently pulled off a transformational deal in Trinidad that will see it paying substantially lower royalties on the Goudron field in exchange for drilling ten more development wells and an exploration well.