The two latest projects are in line with China’s official plans to boost domestic production of high-end equipment and the market demand for high quality engineering steel for automotive, engineering, mining, and mechanical manufacturing applications.
The two plants will have a very similar layout which includes the automation and process control systems for the key equipment supplied by Danieli Automation.
They are basically based on these characteristics:
1. Reversing Breakdown rolling mill stand with entry and exit working roller tables and manipulators;
2. Continuous finishing mill made up of eight SHS-Star Housinless stands in vertical and horizontal arrangement;
3. State of the art finishing facilities, including in-line hot disc saws for "net-end" cut to length of bars, marking and deburring beds, and final and retarded cooling and collecting beds to further enhance product marketability.
Quick stand-changing systems and the roll-pass design will enhance the mill's efficiency and operational flexibility.
Source - Strategic Research Institute